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Buy Ling Maw Australia (Fish Bladder)

Ling maw is a popular product used in soup and is often coined “the fountain of youth” due to its abundant collagen properties. Additionally, albeit the price, pet owners are feeding their dog to boost their much needed collagen and keep their furry friend in peak health.

Buy Ling Maw High Quality

Australian’s can buy Ling Maw through with high quality ling maw available. 

What makes this Ling Maw High Quality

Ling maw is graded by size and colour. The ling maw shown below is a consistent light tan colour. The pieces are strong and sturdy, dried pieces of the ling fish bladder (ling maw). 

Each piece is graded by size and fits a 1kg clear bag. 

For a quote on size and price get in touch and we will provide a list of options.  

Buy Ling Maw Australia 2
Buy Ling Maw Australia 3
Buy Ling Maw Australia 1

Buy Pink Ling Maw Australia

Pink ling maw is the same as ling maw only a slightly lower grade due to the less desirable colouring. On the bright side, this lowered desirability means the price is a little cheaper, making pink ling maw a popular option for those looking to add the ‘fountain of youth’ food into their diet. 

Pink ling maw is identifiable by its darker colour compared with the tan product above. 

For ling maw buyers in Australia, contact us for a quote on sizes and pricing available. 

Buy Pink Ling Maw Australia 1
Buy Pink Ling Maw Australia 2
Buy Pink Ling Maw Australia 3

Potential Benefits of Eating Ling Maw

Benefits of eating ling maw include:

  • Replenish the kidneys and boost stamina through nourishment of ‘yin’ energy
  • Protein rich and low in fat
  • High in collagen and amino acids
  • Improve complexion of skin, mainly thanks to high collagen
  • Good for post operation healing
  • Eases pregnancy discomfort
  • Said to be good for the lungs and a persistent cough based on Chinese medicine
  • Replenish the blood
  • Anti-aging agent or “Fountain of Youth” food

What is Ling Maw Used For?

Ling maw can be regarded as an excellent gift, due to its desirability combined with great health benefits. 

As a food source, it is often used in soup for people seeking more youthful skin, cleaner kidneys and much more. 

As pets are a core part of the family, ling maw is sometimes fed to the family dog to keep it healthy. 

Why is Ling Maw so Expensive?

Ling maw is expensive compared with many other foods due to its labour intensive preparation requirements. 

The ling fish must be caught, then the bladder taken from the fish. The drying process is complex and takes time to reduce moisture from the maw. 

How to prepare Ling Maw to Eat?

Ling maw comes as a dried product. To prepare it for use, rehydrate the ling maw by placing it into a covered container of cold water and soak for a minimum of 24 hours. The ling maw should become soft and malleable. 

The water can be changed every few hours.

How Long can you Keep Ling Maw?

While there is no expiry date on ling maw, it can go off so it is important to use it at your earliest convenience. 

As it is a dried product, it may be ok to eat for quite some time, however due to the price of the food it is best to make use of it while it is edible rather than risking it by keeping it for too long. 

How to Cook Ling Maw?

Ling maw should be tender and silky once cooked, however cooking too long will cause the maw to melt away. 

Fish Maw or 魚肚

The Chinese name for fish maw is 魚肚 and is a prized product in Chinese food and medicine.

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